Vix of the six

Full Names
Vix Seiz
Known Relations
Stack-O-Fox (Soul Fragments)
Last known location
age at battle of makora
Vix is a member of the Nosteramean people, a race indistinguishable to humans.
Our story starts on a cold sleepless night far outside the walls and protective spells of the Furuian Academy of Magic where a young Vix had wandered to clear her mind…
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A distorted laugh echoed in the otherwise silent forest causing a Night Owl to leave its branch and fly towards the academy walls for another cup of coffee, it was too early to handle whatever caused that noise. A row of bushes just below the tree it was roosting on rustled, then burst into blue flames and disintegrated revealing a panic-stricken Vix running with all her might in the same direction. Escape felt impossible, but if she could just reach the gates, maybe there was something she could do to warn the others… Her sides burned from the sprint as she darted out of sight behind the thick tree. It shifted as she pressed against its winding trunk to catch her breath.
“Mom”… she sniffled. Frustrated tears started flowing. The Island of Furui had been peaceful once, but everything changed once the Battle of Makora started. “Shiiga took everything from me” she thought, wiping the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand. Her parents had been requested to aid Erakos in the battle. That was a month ago. A Falhallan soldier had arrived at the academy last week to report the dead and injured. Her parents had perished in the battle. She still remembered the uneasy, apologetic glances of other professors as she forced her way into the assembly excited to see if her parents had returned like they said they would. It was the other professor’s faces that told her. When one came up, knelt down and put a hand on her shoulder she could tell he was talking but all she could hear was the vibrations of her heart pounding. They were gone.
Her parents had been the arch mages at her academy and protectors of the island. She’d make every excuse to skip class and venture out with them when they explored the vast forests and mountain ranges of Furui updating protective spells that had since expired. She wanted to learn everything she could from them. They were remarkable. One year the Lucky Frog ponds had started to drought and they just summoned a rain storm- a whole storm! She didn’t even know how to summon a rain cloud she had thought.
*Snap* A twig breaking behind her snapped her back to the moment. None of that mattered now. Her parent’s legacy would mean nothing if she was caught now. The tree she was hiding behind groaned. Alarmed, she backed away from it. She was quickly far enough away to notice a beard of leaves sprouting from its face - it had a face! A gap above the leaf beard widened as leaves fell from its face and the groan intensified. The deep brown of its trunk began to fade. The tree shuddered painfully, its groan pitched to a low creak and then puttered out. Silence. The now gray tree had petrified in an expression that Vix could only describe as pained. She tilted her head slowly to the left, so as to look behind the tree. *CRACK* The tree split in two knocking her to the ground as a radiant percussion of lights blasted through the split trunk. Vix rolled left and got to her feet, keeping her center of gravity low in preparation to avoid an attack. She summoned all her courage and turned slowly to face the creature her parents had warned her about for years. The Soul Jar.
A deep laugh echoed from the jar, followed by a cacophony of wails as the hundred souls within it fought for attention. Vix’s chest grew cold. Was it the laugh or something else she wondered? Then she felt it - the foreign pull of the jar’s magic against her chest. “No!” She cried “You- you can’t have it! It’s mine!” She saw the soft green glow of her soul starting to emerge from her chest. Vix frantically searched her memory for anything useful from her training. Without her soul, she had no hope for peace with her family in the afterlife! “A piece of us is always with you, even when we aren’t near.” She remembered the last words her mother had spoken to her as a hot tear rolled down her face.
That was it! Maybe, just maybe she could give the jar only a piece of her soul! Her arms flexed and crossed in front of her chest. Her expression fiercened. Grass blades shifted to aim towards her from all directions as she summoned every ounce of her magic into one thought, survive. Vix had no incantation, no spell to use. “Just… SURVIVE” she thought, her eyes raced for solutions as the lights of the captured souls illuminating the area intensified. The lights swirled wildly turning the night scene into a rave of colors that threatened to burst. A whimper caught her attention as the lights flicked over five young foxes whimpering together from a den nearby, terrified from the calamity unfolding. An early memory of her mother’s face smiling down at her flashed in her sight. Her chest begin to tighten as her soul’s green aura now flooded from her through her arms towards the jar. It was now or never. “Give… it… BACK!” she screamed, exploding her arms outward as every ounce of magic within her detonated from her chest. The pulse crashed against the soul stream arching it away from the jar, towards the den where it brilliantly illuminated and passed through the frightened pups.
Vix looked around. The burst of magic had created a crevice in the ground twice as wide as the distance between her and the Soul Jar - which laughed menacingly in front of her. “Leave me alone!” She cried as she fell to her knees, utterly exhausted from the spell. “At least he’ll only get a piece of my soul” she thought and closed her eyes. *CROAK* The jar’s laugh stopped abruptly. A small light bled from the darkness of its container as a crack began to form. Another appeared, then another! Vix lifted her head and watched as the Soul Jar flashed and crumbled into a pile of broken clay releasing the hundred souls within to finally rest in peace. The souls poured out revealing a figure on all fours masked behind their brilliant glow. As the lights faded towards the heavens the figure came into focus. First two shimmering golden eyes and then… a neon blue. A Lucky Frog! Her tears changed from desperate to overjoyed and she noticed they weren’t falling down her face anymore but rather towards the frog who stare unblinking at her. Her tears glistened in the moonlight as they levitated towards the frog. *RIBBIT* The tears instantly turned to a heavy metal and thudded to the ground.
Vix limped to her feet and advanced towards the frog causing it to turn and hop away. She reached down and picked up the metal teardrop to discover it had been turned to a fascinating gold. She examined and pocketed the coins for lack of better explanation and returned to the petrified tree which now lay partially uprooted on the forest floor. She and snapped a twig off one of its branches. “Gedeihen” she muttered, watching it grow to a staff as it regained some of its color. She’d done it. She survived! No one had ever battled a Soul Jar and lived to tell of it. At least not that she’d heard. Her parent’s spells were clearly waning for one to get this close to the school. If it weren’t for that frog- she didn’t let the thought persist. Vix glanced towards the den. The foxes had already left. They had understood. The next time they’d be together, it would be to return her soul and unleash that same power towards the person responsible for her island’s new parasite. The same person responsible for her parent’s death, Shiiga.