Full Names
Greginold Delios
Title: Engineer | Rank: 1P
Known Relations
Kaboo Delios (Son)
Neo Delios (Brother)
Last known location
age at battle of makora
1P is a rabgan, a race of small creatures born from the fertile lands of Erakos.
Silence. Cold and dry wind, winter had already begun. The snow was confused with the ashes that still fell a day after the great explosion that condemned life on the island of Makora. The cold was more than an icy monster that ran through lungs and throat, but it was enough to fill the emptiness that 1P had inside him.
The central island of Nosteram had disappeared that day because of him. His greatest creation with the purest purpose had ended a losing battle, but it took hundreds of people with it. Gametron Alpha had a different purpose than the engineer thought, Donovan ordered that invention to conquer the lands of Elgya, but this one was never finished, its legs could barely move. It could only attack at this stage in development, and that was the Void Obliteration.
1P walked mute through the wheat fields that were once alive in Erakos, now beginning to be covered by snow and losing their vitality and golden color. As he walked along the lonely path that led to the capital, carrying chains of guilt on his feet that were tied to the islands - which could barely be described as such, not far enough to his west.
"Was I right to activate Gametron?" he asked himself over and over again. “Had I not, who knows what that misguided Shiiga could have accomplished. But was the result justified? My creation decimated an entire ISLAND of life.”
Silence. He grabbed at some dead wheat and crushed it, letting the remnants fall from his hands as emotion gripped him. His chest heaved. A shimmery green beetle scurried past his feet making its way to the kingdom. 1P traced it, glad to have a distraction from his own misery. He composed himself.
“Gametron, a tool built in the defense of a nation was ultimately a failure.” he rationalized, speaking through the problem out loud as he had so often done during the bot’s creation. “But there must be some way to satisfy such a need for truly unfathomable power in the name of defense without the solution being the path of LESS destruction. Surely there was a path forward where no life would be lost.” True while it was that they stopped Shiiga and Corvus in the moment from unleashing untold carnage on the much more densely populated Erakos, they also ultimately weren’t even sure if Shiiga or Corvus had been destroyed in the battle. All this loss could have just delayed the inevitable.
1P’s mind replayed the moment as he had seen it from an Erakosian warship off the coast of Makora. With nothing more than a pyrometer, a rather large telescope and a portable screen he had linked to the lab on Makora. He watched the scene unfold as the boat swayed between waves, several kilometers off the coast. Looking eagerly through the telescope, a brilliant flash of magenta blasted from what appeared to be the central plaza of the island followed by what can only be described as a vacuum of light. It was as if the blackness of the night sky had suddenly learned how to spread during the day the same way light spread at night. A mechanical crown emerged from the skyline, then a pair of shoulders and finally arms. Gametron Alpha towered above the skyline, staring dominantly towards the plaza. 1P’s portable device blared an alarm. He hastily looked at it, back to the city, then to the device once more. The words “Void Obliteration | Authorization Requested” appeared in red, surrounded by a flashing red rectangle. Underneath it were 2 options. Accept and Deny. An explosion ripped his attention back to the city as one of Gametron’s arms was sheared right off at the shoulder. A pulse of bright blue shot through the air until it vanished in the clouds. Was it a lance, he remembered wondering.
1P shook his head, stopping the memory in its tracks. It was still too painful to recount. He traced back down the path he’d just walked looking for the beetle once more to distract him. It was now curled into a ball several meters away trying its best not to be devoured by a glowing Lunarva who was scratching at it. The beetle began to roll in circles around the Lunarva, emitting brightly colored explosions as it did. Each *POP* a different colored- well explosion was the best word for it 1P figured- rang out from the end of the beetle, like a combustion engine misfiring. The Lunarva spun wildly in confusion, it screeched its dislike of the tactic timing its swipes to intercept the spinning beetle. That’s when 1P saw the true scope of the plan. Scampering its way up the closest row of decaying wheat a second beetle now emerged onto the path. Surely driven to the conflict by the audible pops and the rainbow colored smoke which now encircled the panicked Lunarva. The second beetle was approaching the fight.
“Brave little guy.” 1P remarked, now fully engrossed in the battle, his troubles long gone as he closely observed and pondered how two beetles one fifth the size of a Lunarva were going to pull this off.
The second beetle shook, vibrated really, for a moment and then it was gone. Or rather, 1P squinted, it had changed its color to blend into the ground. He had to walk closer to make out what happened next, slowly though so as to not interfere. The second beetle lunged for the Lunarva, its brown color now on full display against the luminous beast. Its pincer clamped hard against one of the Lunarva’s legs. A warbled hiss rang in the air. The first beetle stopped its exploding orbit and clapped at the Lunarva. It skittered backwards, pulsing rhythmically from end to head. The second beetle had let go in the retreat and now stomped towards it clapping its pincer in sync with the first beetle. The rhythm increased to a fever pitch. The Lunarva finally cried out in defeat and retreated, flying awkwardly as it tended to its leg. The beetles reared and waved their pincers in the air.
1P stood, mouth agape as the realization hit him. He began to sprint back to town.
"That's it!" he rang. He’d spent years of his life inventing ways of increasing the power and destruction of weapons rabgans and other species had invented. But in their desire to make world ending weapons they’d forgotten an ancient and wise teacher. Without technology, electricity, or even speech, somehow this ancient force had always found a way to survive. He’d finally found a blueprint for his new creation: nature.
— — —
1P shuffled briskly down the path leading from Erakos, the beetle fight fresh in his mind. "Adaptation! That's just what we need! The beetle is able to defend itself from any attack despite its size, it's something incredible but true..." Though he had found an answer, he couldn't make a Gametron that was totally defensive, it had to have more abilities to defend the kingdom.
He continued walking past the meadows and reached a forest. Birds were singing lovely harmonies and snow was already falling from the leaves of the tallest trees. "Nature is impressive, and through nature, my machines can be too." He glanced upward noting that the sun was already approaching dusk. A growl ahead caught his attention. He angled towards a nearby tree and ducked behind it. Up ahead a massive fiery ram burst from the treeline chasing a panicked white Verox. The poinsettias on its back rippling as it bound to escape the threat.
1P marveled at the speed of the Verox. The way it jumped and kicked off trees to rapidly change direction confusing the large, formidable Pyrox. “Agile like a fox” he chuckled, amused as the chase continued to his left and back into the thicket.
He debated continuing the trek but decided against it. “They might be able to escape a Pyrox, but I sure as Nost can’t.” Turning back the way he came a feather flicked into his vision startling him off his feet. “What in the blazes?”
He picked the long red feather up and glanced skyward. A long blue tail shot into a closing portal. 1P rubbed his eyes and double took to make sure he had seen that right but alas the portal was nowhere to be seen. “I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that.” he stated to no one. People trusted him, the last thing they needed to rumor about was the old rabgan hallucinating in a forest at night.
A tree nearby caught fire. “What is happening?! Who’s there?” 1P exclaimed panickily looking for the source of the cry, or the fire for that matter.
A nearby bush shifted. He inched towards it. Closer, closer…
“AH!” 1P barely managed to yelp as he dove out of the way. The bush exploded into flames as the Pyrox bound through it, no Verox in sight. A giant red bird ripped after it moments later, leaving a trail of sparks in its wake. 1P marveled at the sight. The bird flapped hard causing the snow beneath it to gust away and then dissolve from the heat as it lined up its angle of attack then dove out of sight. A series of loud crashes, cracks, snorts and screeches rang from that general direction and then faded as the battle continued.
“Eventful night! I better get back.” 1P mumbled to himself.
He returned to the factory and sat at the desk, analyzing what he had just witnessed through oddly divine chance. "Defense, attack, flight, speed... If only those four could be put together in one machine. But how can it be fast and bulky, strong and sturdy but light enough for flight…” he stopped himself as his eyes lit up. “You’d need to have different mechs for each strength. Instead of putting all our eggs in one basket, we could put all our baskets into… one egg!" He rubbed his eyes and laughed at his own joke. It was late, he knew he should be in bed but what importance was that when such pure creation was happening.
"If I create four divine beasts that each contain one ability they can easily defend the kingdom, each using their unique strength...but then what if they could all be united into one for grand threats?" He tore the pages from his notebook where he had drawn each beast he saw today, including the tail of the mysterious beast that had flown overhead. “Surely there’s a way to connect you four…”
1P groggily raised his head from the desk, removing a paper that had stuck to him overnight. The sun was already grazing his eyes. After a long yawn he looked around, the other papers had disappeared, a soft noise caught the engineer's attention. A Fairn assistant waved politely at him. “Good morning sir, do you need anything to start your day?”
“Scrap metal. Lots of scrap metal.” he stated with great determination.
“S-scrap metal, sir?”
— — —
1P stepped back to observe their work. Falhalla joined him. It had taken several months to procure all the pieces necessary, and then a further 2 years to engineer them into what lay neatly in a line before them. The two gleamed as prototypes of Gundra, Aegisect, Metemix and Excaliger stood at attention, statuesque marvels of science. Each was glowing a familiar pink as small aeon gems inserted in their bellies powered the life systems of each bot.
"The circle of life does not discriminate between organics and mechs. We all came from dust and will return to it, no matter the origin. What we’ve completed today, however, is a beast capable of evolving far beyond what anything in nature is able to. Are you ready to put it to the test?” 1P turned to his assistant with a smirk. Falhalla nodded, determinedly.
The crowd outside clamored anxiously. At Queen Itze’s orders, the engineers would reveal the new guardians of Erakos to the people who had become un-enamored bordering on untrusting of those in power ever since the Makora incident. Seeing a live-demonstration of this new effort would surely quell any fears of the previous disaster’s reoccurrence.
Falhalla opened the large door to the warehouse, onlookers ‘Ooo’d and ‘Ahh’d as one by one the beasts revealed themselves.
Gundra’s eyes roared to life. It uncoiled and shot into the air, thrusters on its side propelling it in an unpredictable manner as it slithered like a snake towards the sun. Metemix spread its wings wide, each was sharp enough to gore a Xenobot. The onlookers hesitated. It lowered its head and then thrust down powerfully lifting the entire metallic body a meter off the ground, then again, again. Soon too left the warehouse and glided toward the sun, picking up speed as it went. Excaliger reared and lept toward the crowd before performing a great leap and bounding over the assembly. The onlookers flinched, then realizing they were safe exploded in applause. Aegisect remained static, its multicolored shell reflected the sky like an aurora.
Gundra dove out of the sky at high velocity and fired a burst of energy at Aegisect, the beetle unflinchingly turned its back and angled its shell towards the blast. Impact. The energy orb deflected and ricocheted back towards the Gundra who dodged as if following a planned beat. Metemix appeared behind the Gundra and clapped its mighty wings moments before the orb made contact. I mighty gust of wind disrupted the orb dispelling it sight unseen.
The crowd roared and older attendees started chanting the Erakosian anthem.
Metemix dropped down and rested on top of Excaliger. Aegisect skittered over to meet them, then finally Gundra glided behind the trio and coiled around them.
1P pulled out a megaphone made from an aeon crystal that amplified the sound. "People of Erakos. I thank you greatly for your support. Just over 2 years ago, we lost friends, family and comrades at the devastating Battle of Makora. I would like to hold a moment of silence."
"We all carry this burden on our backs, this achievement is an answer to the devastation that helped us win a war. With this invention not only will our enemies cower before its might, but our citizens will marvel at its peace. We all learned a powerful lesson that day 2 years ago. It’s not whether you win the war, it’s how you win it.”
1P’s eyes clouded, he turned to face the beasts, emotions swelling but was stopped short. A hooded figured now stood separate from the crowd. His heart skipped a beat seeing a familiar stand of bright blond hair. That silhouette…
The hooded figure reached up and removed her hood. It was the queen!
“Your majesty!” 1P exclaimed. He hadn’t seen her in over a year. She nodded and held out her hand. “I’ll take it from here.” she said with a wink. 1P handed her the voice amplifier.
“That day our spark was lost, but today…our spark will be reborn anew. Like the phoenix in Ignes, our spirits will renew. With heroes like these two, and like all of you, we can shine in the face of any darkness." Itze raised a staff to the sky emitting a powerful luminous beam. "For the light!"
"For the light!" all the people exclaimed in unison. 1P placed both hands on Itze's hand in a form of thanks and took the loudspeaker. "There's still the final show." An expectant silence arose "These four mechanical creatures have one shared ability, and that is that they can combine into a form that shares each of their characteristics. Our answer for the greatest threats we may face: Gametron." The crowd murmured excitedly. The codename for the secret lab on Makora was never revealed so this was the first they had heard of it. The queen and 1P had reasoned the name fit well enough. It deserved another chance at legend.
1P pressed the last button, this time blue in color. The beasts groaned and then exploded- or rather that’s what it looked like as they rapidly split into neat little fragments. People began to murmur in fright as 1P smiled determinedly. The pieces moved towards a single point in the center of where they had been standing. Like Buckybots, they began to join together, creating a huge silhouette as the green fragments generated a cloud of smoke, shielding the fusion from view.
When the smoke dissipated, there stood the colossal Gametron staring coldly at the people. The scene seemed to have frozen, no one moved in the slightest, for they feared the metallic creature before them.
“GAMETRON SEQUENCE COMPLETE” the beast boomed robotically. Steam ejected from the connection points where the four bots had fused. It grabbed a metal rod from behind its back and held it at attention for a moment.
1P turned to Falhalla. “You do it.”
Falhalla, who had remained behind 1P this entire display stepped forward.
“Blade activate!” it bellowed.
The rod in Gametron’s hand blared to life, extending 5 times its original length. Then a beam of intense light blast from the spine of the rod forming a truly massive blade of plasma. Heat waves boiled the air around the blade as it wharbled above the crowd.
To call what happened next a cheer would do it a great disservice. The amassed crowd let loose such a roar of excitement that 1P had to shield his ears to protect them from the onslaught of static filled excitement.
He beckoned towards the crowd in a way that said ‘it’s safe’. Soon Gametron’s feet were overrun with excited pats and knocks as all who assembled clambered for their chance to touch the soon-to-be great guardian of Erakos.
They’d done it. Through great trials and tribulations, they’d managed to patch the great hole in their defenses caused by the events of Makora. Whatever the future may hold, whatever force may arise, Erakos would once again have her defender. It seemed that finally, peace had returned to the land.