Species of Nosteram

Nosterameans are the majority species of Nosteram. Living a similar length of time and appearing very similar to humans, they have one key difference. Each is born with an additional organ at the base of their brain stem known as the Aelum. This organ is responsible for the Ael symbol that appears on the nape of one’s neck. This distinguished characteristic, which is not decided by an individual, possesses magical properties that grant the bearer dominion over a specific element, however not everyone’s Aelum is activated at birth.
For reasons unknown a small portion of the population never have an Entite give purpose to the Aelum within them, resulting in a Nosteramean with no control of a magical element. Nomags as they’re referred, hold a unique role in society and are often conscripted to hold judicial roles as a means of balancing the wide variety of ael magic used by the greater population.
Those who do contain an Aelum imbued with an Entite’s purpose gain control over a vast array of elemental magics including and activated by the following emotional resonances depending on the color of their Ael.
Water Elemental Magic: Fury
Fire Elemental Magic: Joy
Earth Elemental Magic: Sadness
Light Elemental Magic: Hope
Dark Elemental Magic: Fear
Mystic Elemental Magic: Trust
Metal Elemental Magic: Guilt
Neutral Elemental Magic: Nostalgia
Noras are a minority species of Nosteram. While they occupy all regions of Nosteram in smaller quantities, a majority of their population lives in the region of Kerion near The Eclipse Tower which serves as a capital of sorts for their race. Their bodies are naturally capable of breathing both in and out of water, regardless of their Ael. That’s right - Noras are also born with an Aelum allowing them control over a variety of magics.
By appearance, they are often shades of blue or green, pupil-less and muscular in build. Some notable Nora you already know include Biibii, Skafa, Cielkasta, and a certain bounty hunter who made his debut in Engineer.1P’s hero story.
Noras live extraordinarily long lives. With most living to be over 300 years old. This means that on average they reach physical maturity by the time they are 50 years old. This expanded life-cycle results in them being heralded as sages by their fellow races. Contributing to this, many hold the core belief that it is their species’ duty to learn as much as they can in their lives and then travel the world when they are elders teaching what they’ve learned of Nosteram’s history, origin and inner workings.
Nora scholars are therefore respected above all other Nora, with many Nora choosing a specific topic to devote their lives to by the time they reach maturity. When a Nora reaches elder status some 200 years into their lives, they are regarded as the resource for that topic and encouraged to write tomes on what they’ve learned to spread their wisdom with others.
Rabgans are a minority species of Nosteram. They occupy most regions of Nosteram but tend to find the continent containing Erakos and Botea most favorable. Their bodies tend to be small and rounded and their lifespans are typically shorter than the average Nosteramean. Most fade by the age of 50 but there are rare exceptions that live closer to the lifespan of their Nosteramean counterparts.
By appearance, they often have a pale body that transitions suddenly into a bright and vibrant flash of color about halfway up their face. Sprouting from the top of their head where hair would typically grown, 1-3 large leaves grow. These are seldom trimmed and can be referenced to determine the Rabgan’s overall health and emotional status. Some notable Rabgans you already know include Kaboo, Greginold (also known as Engineer.1P), Neo and Ole.1P.
Given Rabgans slightly shorter life-spans than those of the average Nosteramean, their generational shift and evolution has been sped up in relation. As a species they are very technologically and magically keen, mastering their Ael’s magic in a much shorter time than both Noras and Nosterameans. That’s right - Rabgans, like Noras and Nosterameans are also born with Aelums which can be imbued with purpose from an Entity.
Their shorter lives have contributed to members of this race taking up passion projects instead of enrolling in long-term scholarly pursuits or manual labor roles. Additionally, these passion projects tend to serve the greater good of those around them as Rabgans are acutely aware of their flash in the pan existence, so much so that they tend to strive for a brilliant existence to justify their lives in the timeline of Nosteram. If you’re going to burn out quick, might as well burn bright.
The term Theryan is a bit of a misnomer. Theryans are a not one species, but a collection of species. The term encapsulates all occupants of Nosteram, regardless of species that have utilized and relied on a magic counter to their Ael and the desire of the Entite within. Usage of a spell or two outside one’s Ael assignment is possible, if at a weakened state, but prolonged use of an unassigned element leads to a partial or total metamorphosis into a Theryan. This process involves a gradual transformation towards the non-designated element being used, gradually turning the individual into a creature until a complete transmutation into that element is achieved.
What this means in practice is that any species of Nosteram born with an Ael imbued with the purpose of an Entite will slowly transform into a beast of the conflicting magic’s variety until they eventually lose their ability to communicate and produce unrelated magic to the conflicting one. This of course further speeds up the transformation until they are eventually consumed by the Entite within and become a pure embodiment of the conflicting element, i.e. water, fire, rock, brilliant light, shadow, cosmic energy, metal or pure Aeon in crystalized form.
Theryans are looked down upon by nearly all in their respective species, regardless of the circumstances that led to the transformation. Those partially transformed tend to take background roles in society and stay out of the limelight, though there are notable exceptions. Vix Seiz, commonly referred to as Vix of the Six and Mako Foksten are both legends of the Nosteramean race. Vix became a Theryan at an early age after a chance encounter with a Soul Jar resulted in using the Neutral power of soul splitting to spare her life. Mako, a famous detective is rumored to have had a run in with the grave keeper turned terrorist Devante Morte that ultimately led to his transformation. It’s said he tapped into another Neutral power, this time one of polymerization. Fusing himself with his mount to save both their lives from a devastating poison.
There tends to be more cultural sympathy towards Theryans who used a conflicting magic in an of self preservation or to protect others from harm. Those who use a conflicting magic to cause harm, steal or perform other selfish acts tend to be overlooked as outcasts.
It’s worth mentioning that although these two well-known Theryans began their journey by using a Neutral magic, the use of this magic is extremely rare and said to only be accessible to those with a divine purpose, often believed to be granted by Nost himself. It’s far more common for Theryans to have used a non-neutral conflicting magic.
Non-ael based Species
In addition to these primary species there are others that form civilizations and hierarchies such as the Racs (notably Biloh and Takoon), the Kaerus (notably King Frigas, Kamikaeru and Muffin), the Pez (notably Morang, Pilfish, and King Stingarr), the Blooms (notably Grotbloom, Pyroak, Treddan) and various Demon societies. These species and even others with less communal capabilities are incapable of utilizing magic originating from an Entite. They may however be capable of exhibiting magical properties unrelated to an Entite. Such magic is more primal and tethered to the pure form of the element vs any guiding intelligence as to its usage.
Additionally, many mechanical beings have been invented in the world of Nosteram due in no small part to the engineering prowess of the Rabgans. While these beings display immense intelligence, they are also incapable of hosting an Entite or being created with an artificial Ael, though I’m sure it’s being researched as we speak.
Theryans or Fighters??
This all might be a bit to take in, but many of the characters you know and love from our world may not be who you think they are! As we mentioned, it’s possible for Theryans to devolve into beasts on their way to becoming a pure elemental. Below is an exhaustive list of all currently created Fighters in the game of Nostalgix, along with their species/race if known and whether they are a unique entity in Nosteram or one of many.
Fighter Name | Major Species | Quantity in lore |
2N.UP | -- | A couple of these mechs exist |
A.L.L.Y. | -- | Many |
Abducta | -- | Many |
Aegisect | -- | Only 1 |
Afraeth | Demon | Only 1 |
Afri | Demon | Many of its species, only 1 Afri |
Ancharr | -- | Many |
Applith | -- | Very few |
Aquarius | -- | Only 1 |
Aries | -- | Only 1 |
Avengaline | Nosteramean | Many of its species, only 1 Avengaline |
B33T5 | -- | Only 1 |
Baby Card Dragon | -- | Several |
Bandicoon | -- | Many |
Biceptus | -- | Many |
Biibii | Nora | Many of its species, only 1 Biibii |
Binarlyng | -- | Many |
Blobathan | -- | Very few |
Bob the Blob | -- | Many |
Bohem.1P | Theryan | Only 1 |
Booster Box Dragon | -- | Very few |
Botticelli | Theryan | Only 1 |
Buckybot | -- | Many |
Bullfrog | -- | Many |
Bunji | -- | Only 1 |
Buoyant | -- | Many |
Cancer | -- | Only 1 |
Capricorn | -- | Only 1 |
Cataver | -- | Many |
Celestus | -- | Only 1 |
Centaurdigrade | -- | Very few |
Cerbercat | -- | Very few |
Chillsalotl | -- | Very few |
Chronokou | -- | Many birds, but only 1 Chronokou. Paradoxes caused by it may show various versions of the same one at the same time |
Chronokryos | -- | Many birds, but only 1 Chronokryos. Paradoxes caused by it may show various versions of the same one at the same time |
Cielkasta | Nora | Many of its species, only 1 Cielkasta |
Codelossus | -- | Only 1 |
Colossipotamus | -- | Only 1 |
Cordyslug | -- | Many |
Crab.R4V3 | -- | Only 1 |
Croakroar | -- | Many |
Crowk | -- | Very few |
Darum.1P | Theryan | Only 1 |
Dead Blade | -- | Many |
Demle | -- | Many |
Destructa | -- | Several |
Devasta | -- | Only 1 |
Drask | -- | Many |
Dubstoad | Theryan | Several |
Entite | -- | Many of various elements |
Ephina | Nosteramean | Many of its species, only 1 Ephina |
Excaliger | -- | Only 1 |
F.R.E.N.E.M.Y. | -- | Several |
F.R.I.E.N.D. | -- | Many |
Fairn | Theryan | Many of its species, only 1 Fairn |
Falhalla | Theryan | Many of its species, only 1 Falhalla |
Falkyrien | Theryan | Many of its species, only 1 Falkyrien |
Ferrebus | -- | Only 1 |
Fish Out of Water | -- | Many of its species, only 1 Fish Out of Water |
Floatant | -- | Many |
Frigant | -- | Very few |
Galacturtle | -- | Very few |
Gametron | -- | Only 1 |
Gatogem | -- | Many of its species, only 1 Gatogem |
Gelephant | -- | Very few |
Gemini | -- | Only 1 |
Gigerfluff | -- | Many |
Gnarwhal | -- | Many |
Gorgadot | Theryan | Several |
Grimhold | -- | Several |
Grotbloom | Bloom | Only 1 |
Gruffgriff | -- | Very few |
Guidragon | -- | Several |
Gundra | -- | Only 1 |
Harpfly | -- | Many |
Heartie | Nosteramean | Only 1 |
Honkashi | -- | Many |
Ifrita | Demon | Many of its species, only 1 Ifrita |
Iwakaerus | Kaeru | Only 1 |
Jazzyfly | -- | Many |
Jumbo Card Dragon | -- | Several |
Kaboo | Rabgan | Many Rabgans, only 1 Kaboo |
Kai | -- | Several |
Kalamarr | Pez | Many |
King Stingarr | Pez | Many of its species, only 1 King Stingarr |
Kitsaeth | Demon | Only 1 |
Kon.Sal | -- | Many |
Koukou | -- | Many |
Kumagrade | -- | Many |
Lady Leveaux | Nosteramean | Only 1 |
Laika | -- | Only 1 |
Lavamander | -- | Many |
Leo | -- | Only 1 |
Libra | -- | Only 1 |
Lilaeth | Demon | Only 1 |
Litty | -- | Several |
Livewire | -- | Very few |
Lucky Frog | Kaeru | Many |
Lucky Tadpole | Kaeru | Many |
Lumoth | -- | Many |
Lunarva | -- | Many |
Magnefox | -- | Many |
Marajor | -- | Very few |
Mech.1Nator | -- | Only 1 |
Meduset | Theryan | Many |
Metemix | -- | Only 1 |
Mewgoo | Demon | Many of its species, only 1 Mewgoo |
Mimicus | -- | Several |
Mirrage | -- | Several |
Morang | Pez | Only 1 |
Morriga | Demon | Many of its species, only 1 Morriga |
Mr. Boojee | -- | Only 1 |
Mushrift Mage | Theryan | Several |
Musical Frog | Kaeru | Several |
Napsalotl | -- | Very few |
Nebulamb | -- | Many |
Nessea | -- | Very few |
Nibla | -- | Only 1 |
Night Owl | -- | Many |
Nimora | Demon | Many of its species, only 1 Nimora |
Non Fungible Toad | Theryan | Many |
Okaryu | -- | Only 1 |
Ole.1P | Theryan | Only 1 |
One Trick Pony | Theryan | Many |
Ostar | -- | Only 1 |
Panbu | -- | Many of its species, only 1 Panbu |
Panguard | -- | Very few |
Paraducks | -- | 2? |
Pecti | -- | Several |
Pelaga | -- | Many |
Pestlance | -- | Several |
Phagebot | -- | Several |
Pilfish | Pez | Many |
Pisces | -- | Only 1 |
Plundrak | Pez | Many |
Pupetto | -- | Only 1 |
Puppetmaster Rong | -- | Many of its species, only 1 Puppetmaster Rong |
Pygma | -- | Many |
Pyragni | -- | Very few |
Pyroak | Bloom | Many |
Pyrox | -- | Many |
R.Cayde | -- | Many |
Refracta | -- | Only 1 |
Regemerate | -- | Many |
Reptilium | -- | Many |
Rick | -- | Many of its species, only 1 Rick |
Robelle | -- | Many of its species, only 1 Robelle |
Rockem & Rollem | -- | Several |
Rodonic | -- | Many |
Rollet | -- | Many |
Roserine | -- | Many of its species, only 1 Roserine |
Sagittarius | -- | Only 1 |
Scarepin | -- | Several |
Scaventinel | -- | Only 1 |
Scorpio | -- | Only 1 |
Semperkin | -- | Several |
Sergeant Surge | Theryan | Only 1 |
Serra | Nosteramean | Many of its species, only 1 Serra |
Skafa | Nora | Many of its species, only 1 Skafa |
Slickrat | -- | Many of its species, only 1 Slickrat |
Slurrie | Demon | Many of its species, only 1 Slurrie |
Sonara | -- | Only 1 |
Soul Jar | -- | Very few |
Spiritile | -- | Many |
Spookrater | -- | Very few |
Spookula | -- | Many |
Stack-o-Fox | -- | Many of its species, only 6 foxes that are magically drawn to each other, so only 1 Stack-o-Fox |
Star Frog | Kaeru | Only 1 |
Stella | -- | The last of its species |
Stumpkin | Bloom | Many |
Succore | -- | Several |
Succubi | Demon | Many |
Surgeasaurus | -- | Several |
Takoon | Rac | Many of its species, only 1 Takoon |
Talksalotl | -- | Many |
Taurus | -- | Only 1 |
The Realm Stitcher | -- | Only 1 |
Thrill.1P | Theryan | Only 1 |
Tomepyre | -- | Many |
Tomokai | -- | Many |
Tornadex | -- | Very few |
Toxifox | -- | Many |
Treddan | Bloom | Several |
TURN.1P | -- | A couple of these mechs now exist |
Unlucky Frog | Kaeru | Many |
Vee.Ar | -- | Many |
Venaeth | Demon | Only 1 |
Venomusa | Theryan | Very few |
Verox | -- | Many |
Vigilanda | -- | Several |
Virgo | -- | Only 1 |
Voodoll | -- | Several |
Voxodilus | -- | Only 1 |
Witchie Long Legs | Theryan | Many of its species, only 1 Witchie Long Legs |
Xenobot | -- | Several |
Yokaijin | Theryan | Very few |
Yokara | Theryan | Many of its species, only 1 Yokara |
Yugen | -- | Only 1 |